domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Friday, July 8, 2016

Trader Joe's Matcha Green Latte Mix is delish~

I mixed 3 tablespoons of this powder into hot water although you can also enjoy it cold which I find amazing as well. If your not a fan of a bitter green tea taste then this is perfect because it has just the right amount of sweetness and not an overpowering matcha taste. It is also really nice because it is creamy, just what you would expect from a latte. ^.^This cost me around 3-4 dollars and makes up to 8 servings. I will definitely repurchase and repurchase because it's soo good, although I don't have a Trader Joe's around here so I'll have to wait awhile before I can get my hands on it again.~

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