domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

DIY: Death Note notebook + EXO Lotto teaser image commentary

 Hello lovely earthlings! Today I'll be showing you how to make this super cool Death Note inspired notebook.  It is really easy and only requires a few things to make it, so I hope you enjoy and please don't right my name in it. ~^.^ he he
What you'll need:
1. a notebook
2. a death note label for the cover
3. black acrylic paint
4. mod podge 
5. scissors
6. a death note rule sheet
7. a paint brush
8. white acrylic paint 
(optional, if you choose to hand paint the cover)

Step 1:

Paint as many coats of black paint it takes to conceal your original notebook cover and place the death note logo on top before it drys.. This just saves you from using glue right then.

                                                     Step 2:

paint a layer of mod podge over it once the paint has dried. This will seal it all together to prevent the black paint from scratching off as well as make it look all nice and shiny!

                                                    Step 3:

 Repeat the same steps as one and two except this time with the rule sheet on the inside cover.
You could be finished after the last step has dried but I decided to add a little extra piece.
You will need an extra death note logo, some clear tape, an exacto knife, ribbon,  and hot glue or super glue.
first you will cut out the logo and tape the front and back with clear tape
second you will trim any excess tape with your scissors and cut a slit near the d, with your exacto knife.
third, cut a piece of ribbon to fit inside the notebook without it showing and glue one end to the back of the book.
lastly, slide that piece of ribbon in between the slit you cut and fold it to the back piece of the ribbon and glue. And there you have one of those ribbon bookmarks!^.^
That is it for this DIY, as you can see it is very simple and perfect for school or a personal journal.  I hope you like it and I will have more anime themed Diys soon! bye for now~

For those kpop stans how about the EXO Lotto teaser images heh huh!!?
 I've never really paid attention to sehunnie but dannng these teaser images are making me look twice. And Lay just always kills it :)

Behold my bias Chanyeol... what can I say.. he leaves me breathless every time .........................................................
 Just pause for a second and look at baekhyun... then look at D.O hehe I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh everytime I see D.O's face its just funny to me.  Especially after this...

"You're moving the camera too fast"~d.o

Chen you amaze me you are now a star in my eyes..
You remind me of one of those spicy Spanish dancers.. or Jimin in fire lol
Of course I'd add seconds of chanyeol because... duh and you gotta love the red hair comeback
Am I the only one that thinks that cut on his nose looks smexy... get it smell and sexy...haha there's really no room for bad puns here.. gosh I need a life.. or a concert ticket. I mean I'm fine with both:))^.^ can't wait to get these photocards
Ok that's it guys there you have it
.. the inner thoughts of a crazy girl~


  1. That's a very unique idea for a DIY! ^-^
    It looks great :D

    1. Hey, you should definitely try some of these! If you do, send me a picture!
