domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Friday, July 1, 2016

Black girls can be Kawaii too!

Hello lovlies! Recently I've been thinking.. Why can't black girls be recognized in the Kawaii, Cosplay, and Anime, communities as much as the other race? I mean we do exist! I feel that many girls including me have felt discouraged at one point in time, because we didn't feel like we could belong there, liking the same things that alot of people who aren't of color liked. If you have personally been a victim of being automatically assigned to the darker character in a group cosplay then you indeed must understand the pain of judgement when you dress as a non dark skinned character. I would like to see more POC show of what makes them who they are. If you're a koreaboo, BE a koreaboo. If you're a weeaboo, BE a weeaboo or even BOTH!! I am, and although people are shocked by that fact, no one should feel out of place when someone asks "You like anime?! Annnd you listen to kpop?!!" Just tell them "Yea, I do, so what?" and leave them to ponder on the connection between a black person and asian pop culture. This problem really should not even exist, it's 2016, do what you want..and remember you are are all Kawaii little geeks!~^•^

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