domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

DIY:Tea Inspired Jewelry Orgainzer

 Hey there! I'm back at it again with another quick and simple diy! This"Tea Party" cafeish inspired jewelry organizer is a great way to make a slight change to your room for spring. I personally like the vintage feel to this set and although I like my room to be particular, it's the little touches like this that make it interesting once in a while. This ended up costing me $10 because I picked up some extra supplies just for it, but you probably have many of these materials lying around, and don't be afraid to reuse any similar objects!

Materials needed:

1. paint
2. wooden shapes
3. wooden knobs
4. paint brush
5. scissors
6. pencil
7. hotglue
8. twine

 How it's made
this whole process is pretty self explanatory ^.^ but I'll explain anyways
1st you want to paint your wood with a rough bristled brush for a more worn out texture
2nd paint the outside however you please, I used a metallic mocha color
3rd let the paint dry before tracing a design and your lettering
4th paint the letters etc.
5th place the knobs how you want, paint them then glue them on
6th glue some string on the back to hang it

(I thought about possibly hanging these connected to each other from largest to smallest; if you want to save wall space)

Aren't they really cute? Also try this with any colors you want and if you want it to appear more vintage just be imperfect about painting it and maybe even sand some of the paint down once done ~^.^~

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