domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Sunday, August 7, 2016

KAWAII DIY: Totoro phone case/pouch

Alas, my first diy! This one is very simple and only requires a few different supplies. And you can play around with the colors freely, but I decided to stay with the classic gray totoro.  
1. felt
2. scissors
3. hot glue and or thread
4. ribbon for embellishments (optional)
and of course your phone for size reference!
step 1: cut out a piece of your felt to the size of your phone and fold it over leaving an inch thick strip of room for mistake.. once you cut this off you will use it later.
step 2: sew or glue along the bottom and side of the felt that fits your phone snugly. I made sure it fit mine with the thickest case I own, but you can make your's smaller if you wish. You will only have to do this to fit 3 quarters of the phone not up to the very top, and with it folded it saves you from one side of work. ^.^
step 3: after you've finished with the last step, just cut off the top part. Next, cut out a shape of gray to resemble his body and then the white part of his stomach, just look at a picture for reference.
step 4: cut out the five boomerang shapes for his belly and also his ears.
step 5: cut out the rest of his facial features and glue them on. If you want totoro to become an earphone pocket just glue around the perimeter and stick him to your pouch. Lastly, I just cut out some lace and ribbon to add a cute touch, but if you'd rather not, then just fold and glue the edge of it down.

That's it for this diy. It's soo simple, I hope you like it and I will have more soon :)..~

listening to this everytime I cook now~

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