domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Monday, July 25, 2016

REVIEW: Sailor Moon Miracle Romance Eyeliner

WOW! Let me first start off by saying that I have long awaited to be able to hold this in my hand let alone use its magical powers as an eyeliner.  If the phrase "Moon prism power makeup!" didn't speak to you enough whilst watching Sailor Moon, then I don't know what did. I just find it amazing that there is a whole array of sailor moon cosmetics to make that phrase a reality.  Second of all, whether this eyeliner turned out good, or bad, it would belong to me because... obviously! It's a collectible that has happily found its way into my daily makeup routine. AND.. third of all I now pull this out every time I watch sailor moon..yah know just in case any bad guys turn up.~^.^(this eyeliner is so sharp it could quite possibly kill a man)
I will go about this review in three simple parts including: packaging, product formula, and awesomeness. But before any of that, I ordered this from, I got the spiral heart moon rod, which was on sale for $15.11, with of course shipping which I believe was around 3 dollars and some change. It is still on sale now as well as the cutie moon rod liquid eyeliner and the moon stick pencil liner. You should also definitely check out the rest of the products they have something for almost every sailor scout, which I hope to review soon too! I got the package in the mail a week from the date I ordered it which is really great. I also suggest ordering it from yesstyle because it's the cheapest I've seen it so far. It was originally around $27 so I'm glad I got it on sale. AND.. don't worry about it saying limited edition, that has been up since these came out lol, which was years ago.
                                  alas, the big reveal
                              *insert halo above image*
I just thought I had to include this cute TOEI animation logo that's on the back. hehe
are you ready?
Part one:Packaging
Honestly do I really have to say anything about it?! Its a nice thin eyeliner pen and of course its accurate! Another great feature is that the spiral heart is removable so you can collect the rest of the wands, but when you buy those you also have to buy the eyeliner it's not sold separately. Which doesn't hurt me considering its a great eyeliner bringing us to...
transforming and luna
miralcle romance

Part two:Product formula

This stuff is seriously long lasting and doesn't crack or flake up on the eye. Its quite comparable to a high end one, which is soo great because it's just a collectible but I think I need a lifetime supply of these.^.^ If they ever discontinue I'll buy an eyeliner from the company/brand that produces these! One more thing, this eyeliner has to be shaken, rather than stored upside down. I was so worried when I got to my second use of it and it wasn't coming out. Just give it a light shake and you should be good to go. Its also a brush tip not felt. The good thing is, I don't have to use too much of my own energy to get a super sharp point. hehe It's practically effortless.
Part three:Awesomeness
Usagi Stamp
enough said~
All I have to do is wait for tuxedo mask now..

 Anyways, what's one of your favorite mahou shojos?
Who's your favorite sailor scout? tell me I wanna know!!
Personally, Sailor Moon can will reign in my heart as number one.
this has been my favorite song recently
I swear when the beat comes on I feel like a kid for some reason and just start dancing lol~


  1. I've just started watching Sailor Moon Crystal, and I'm enjoying it so far ^-^
    That eyeliner looks really awesome! I might get it at some point, if I have the occasion.

  2. I haven't watched Crystal yet, is it good?! I'm really hesitant though I've seen mixed reviews. But even so I shouldn't let that dictate my decision haha~

    1. Sorry for a late reply! It's quite good, I like it but then again I haven't watched Sailor Moon before that. Watch one episode and see if you like it ^^
