domokeudesu's wonderland

beauty reviews, kpop fan girling, kawaii diys and more. ~^.^~

Monday, December 19, 2016

RECIPE: Strawberry Coconut Rice

So, I don't know if this is already a thing or not, but it definitely needs to be! I can't be the only one who has thought about just eating sweet rice. I'll tell you the story of how this came to be. I made fruit sushi for a party again, which uses coconut flavored sushi rice to pull off a tropical flavor. That alone tasted great. That's when the idea clicked to eat a de-formed version that takes half the time to make. So instead of rolling it up I just bowled it up. 

*Due to the lack of preparation of this post I sadly don't have any pictures of the process but it's pretty easy, so I'm hoping you enjoy recipe and explanation alone.*

Difficulty: easy           Time: 30-40 minutes
1 1/2 cups of sushi rice
2 cups of water
1 cup of coconut milk
1/2 of shredded coconut 
1 cup of sliced strawberries 
1 tbsp. vanilla extract 
2 tbsp. sugar

So the first step would be to combine your water, sugar, vanilla, and rice together in a medium sized saucepan and bring to a soft boil.

 Then reduce to a low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, covered.

 Take the pan off off of the heat. (A quick tip to check if the rice is done is to stick your spoon through the rice and if the bottom of the pan has a little bit of rice stuck but not alot and the rice has a firm hold, it's perfect!) DO NOT DRAIN.

 Next stir 1 cup of coconut milk and really as much shredded coconut as you want. 

Then stir in your sliced strawberries. 

Garnish with some toasted coconut if you want and your done! 

It tastes best when it's warm, but you can totally eat it cold. This is such a great alternative to unhealthy desserts and you can always alternate white sugar for coconut sugar, and add as many tropical fruits as you want. This was my first time doing this and I definitely will again, but you should be as creative as your taste buds allow you. Don't think you can't do it just because it hasn't been done!

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